
Cosmetic Surgery

Cosmetic Plastic Surgery
Our surgeons specialize in procedures that address just about every aesthetic concern
  • Breast Augmentation

    Your breasts are an important part of your self image. Being happy with your breast size and shape can help you feel attractive and project confidence. Breast augmentation is the process of enhancing the size of your breasts.

  • Breast Lift (Mastopexy)

    For many women, changes in the breasts are one of the most difficult aspects of aging. A breast lift can renew the shape of your breasts by correcting sagging or drooping breasts or nipples.

  • Breast Reduction

    Some women have difficulties and discomforts associated with large breasts, often causing considerable back and neck pain, some unwanted attention and problems finding well-fitting clothing or enjoying sports.

    Very large breast reductions or reductions for documented medical concerns is currently eligible for coverage by the Medical Services Plan of BC and is not considered cosmetic breast surgery. Cosmetic shape improvements, lifting the breast or just the nipple positions and improvements to breast size asymmetries are frequent operations at YES Surgery Centre.

  • Male Breast Reduction

    For many men, the measure of health and fitness is a toned and well-developed chest. Unfortunately, some men cannot achieve this appearance even with a healthy diet and rigorous weight lifting and exercise.

    Up to 50% of males are bothered by enlarged, feminine-looking breasts, or gynecomastia, at some point in their lives. This can cause embarrassment and discomfort, and may limit activities and clothing choices. To create a firmer, flatter, more masculine-looking chest, our surgeons can perform male breast reduction at YES.

  • Revisional Breast Surgery

    Although most patients are very happy with the results of their cosmetic breast surgery, dissatisfaction does occur and often can be improved with further surgery. Patients are encouraged to discuss any concerns with their primary Plastic Surgeon.

    The Plastic Surgeons at YES are highly experienced and often sought after for secondary or revisional breast surgery. Breast implants do not last forever and when then need to be replaced, sizes changed or improvements made to the implant positions, our surgeons may be able to help. Revisional breast lifting and other adjustments to shape of the breasts is also frequently requested.

  • Other Breast Procedures

    Every woman is unique, and has her own vision of her ideal breast appearance. While many women can achieve their ideal appearance through breast augmentation using breast implants, breast augmentation with fat transfer or breast lifting surgery, there are other breast conditions that require specific surgical expertise to improve, such as:

    Correction of Breast Asymmetry

    Inverted Nipple Repair

    Areola / Nipple Reduction

    Tuberous Breast Correction

  • Tummy Tuck (Abdominoplasty)

    Weight fluctuations, previous surgery, pregnancy, and genetics can all contribute to excess skin, muscle laxity and fatty deposits in the abdominal area which cause the belly to protrude and sag. An Abdominoplasty (Tummy Tuck) can be performed to remove any excess skin and fatty tissue from the abdomen and create a smooth and flat abdomen.

  • Liposuction

    For some people, liposuction is a good solution to reduce areas of stubborn fat. This is because some people are genetically predisposed to carrying fat in certain areas of the body, which can be particularly resistant to even the most aggressive diet and exercise regimens.

    Modern liposuction techniques can safely reduce areas of excess and unwanted fat. This is best done for patients who are already considered fit with smaller areas of fat or for patients with disproportionate fat distributions. Common areas for treatment include the neck, bra line, flanks, tummy, hip and thighs.

    To learn more about your liposuction options contact one of our Royal College of Canada Certified Plastic Surgeons.

  • Arm Lift (Brachioplasty)

    Excess, hanging skin and fat in the upper arm area can cause discomfort, chafing, and difficulty finding clothes that fit. Some people are genetically predisposed to carrying excess fat in the upper arm, but for the most part this “batwing” appearance results from overstretched skin left after significant weight loss. Our Plastic Surgeons perform arm lift surgery with or without liposuction of this area to improve the shape and tone of the upper arms.

  • Body Lifting Procedures

    Body Lifting procedures are used used to tighten and tone areas of loose, excess skin.  The hips, flanks, thighs, and the posterior trunk are common areas for this procedure.

    In some cases, a circumferential body lift can correct sagging of the buttocks, tummy and upper thighs. Sagging of the pubic area can also be considered.

  • Face & Neck Lift

    Face and Neck lift procedures are designed to alleviate signs of aging, including sagging skin, jowls, deep creases around the nose and mouth, and general wrinkling and laxity in this area that obscures the contours of the neck and jaw.

  • Browlift

    Brow lift is a surgical procedure that is performed to restore a more youthful and refreshed look by improving the appearance of:

    A sagging forehead

    Brows that hang low over the eyes, creating a heavy or “hooded” appearance

    Deep frown lines between the eyebrows or across the forehead

  • Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

    As we age, the skin becomes less elastic and loosens, which can cause folds and bagginess in the skin around the upper and lower eyelids. In addition, these baggy areas can appear swollen and puffy leaving patients looking tired.

    Blepharoplasty is performed to tighten or remove excess skin and can address prominent fat bulges in the upper and lower lids.

    More severe upper lid skin excess combined with drooping of the brow can not only make you look tired but it can also interfere with peripheral vision. The cosmetic correction of this problem is frequently performed by YES Plastic Surgeons

  • Ear Surgery (Otoplasty)

    For those whose ears are prominent, asymmetrical, or misshapen, ears can be a great source of insecurity. Otoplasty is a commonly performed procedure for reshaping one or both of the ears to bring them into balance with the other facial features.

  • Chin and Jawline Contouring Surgery

    Many people are born with a less-defined or “weak” chin, and others experience chin recession as they age.

    Chin & Jawline Contouring can be achieved with chin implants, liposuction or fat grafting to create an improved profile, a more defined jaw angle and to balance your lower facial features

  • Rhinoplasty

    A rhinoplasty procedure, sometimes referred to as a ‘nose job’, reshapes the nose to enhance the appearance of the nose. There are many areas of the nose that can be reshaped including making improvements to the nasal profile, straightening the nose, refining the tip or improving results from previous surgery or trauma.”

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